Internet Service Providers
Going beyond the reach of hard wired
communication solutions, the WWWT satellite
Internet service takes you that extra distance to
develop new markets.
Internet Service Providers recognize that there is a
huge, untapped market of prospective subscribers
who remain without access to the Internet or, more
importantly, to the rest of the global economy.
Broadband VSAT services provide a way for ISPs,
large and small, to extend connectivity to this
hungry market.
WWWT supports ISP clients throughout emerging
markets around the world with solutions
appropriate to the ISP’s customer requirements.
Leveraging our vast experience in supporting ISPs,
we will propose and deliver the best service for the
business opportunity at hand. We have a range of
service solutions on Ku and C-band platforms and
we will work with ISPs to determine which
solution is optimum for the climatic conditions
where the service will be delivered.
WWWT provides TDMA services delivering a
combination of shared and dedicated bandwidth,
supporting as much as 6Mbps x 2Mbps on some
satellites. These services are appropriate for
smaller ISPs or Cyber Café operations. The
dedicated bandwidth guarantees a minimum level
of service as well as support for real-time
applications such as VoIP or video conferencing.
The shared bandwidth allows subscribers to burst
to higher levels supporting faster downloads. We
also provide solutions that provide shared
bandwidth on the download and dedicated SCPC
bandwidth on the upload. DVB/SCPC and newer,
more efficient DVB-S2/SCPC services allow ISPs
to support larger and more diverse services by
leveraging the efficiencies of larger hub-based
DVB or DVB-S2 platforms with guaranteed SCPC
on the upload. DVB-S2 circuits are capable of
delivering as much as 155 Mbps. SCPC/SCPC
services provide high speed guaranteed bandwidth
without any dependency on multi-client shared
bandwidth platforms with similar bandwidth
levels as DVB-S2. However for those ISPs who
wish to support service in a variety of locations,
BusinessCom can provide hosting and shared
bandwidth platform solutions managed by the ISP.
ISPs in particular understand the 90% rule which
says 10% of users will try to use 90% of the
available bandwidth. They recognize the
importance of managing their valuable bandwidth
in order to maximize profits and provide all
subscribers with fair access to the available
services. BusinessCom understands the critical
need for managing valuable resources and has
been supporting satellite-based clients, both
enterprise and ISP with a bandwidth management
solution optimized for VSAT services.
Internet Access, Anywhere, Anytime
The appropriate service for
your requirements