Truly an Advantage
ABEO Corp. proposed its "Truly Wireless" solution, based on WWWT HotPointTM Wireless Mesh Routers. The company proposed HotPoint Wireless Mesh Routers connecting to a gateway controller and a DSL broadband connection that was separate from the hotel's existing Internet connection. This would assure a high level of security and performance, while enabling ABEO technical staff to monitor the network remotely if necessary.
"WWWT gave us an advantage in our selling efforts," said Buxton. "For the first time, we had a truly wireless solution and something different to offer. The hotel management loved the solution because it enabled them to meet the Holiday Inn's requirement for deploying wireless access with minimal disruption."
The hotel layout required 18 access points to provide full wireless coverage of the entire building. So rather than running cable and fiber to each access point, ABEO simply placed 10 HotPoint mesh routers throughout the hotel to provide Ethernet service over a wireless backhaul. One HotPoint unit is located in the administrative office and connects to a controller gateway for DSL access. Another unit is in the cafe area. Two HotPoint units are installed in conference rooms and six more are installed in the two guest room wings. Each HotPoint unit has three Ethernet ports and ABEO used these to connect the access points to the mesh. In just two days, the WWWT network delivered Internet access to all 134 guest rooms, two conference rooms, the office and the pool area.