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HotView Mesh Management Software provides real-time monitoring, as well as local and remote management of Firetide HotPort wireless mesh networks. The software features an intuitive graphical user interface that provides complete control over all mesh and individual node settings, including security provisions, VLANs, traffic priority levels, transmit power levels, network gateway interconnects and more. The graphical mesh view, which can employ a customer-supplied map or diagram, shows node placement and the active mesh topology. A full set of performance and other statistical information is collected automatically to help troubleshoot and tune the mesh network.

HotView features

HotView mesh management software presents an intuitive graphical interface that provides comprehensive control and operation of the entire mesh or individual mesh nodes. Key features include mesh setup, mode configuration and management, complete mesh views, fault detection and management, firmware updates, and node and network monitoring. A HotPort mesh can also be provisioned for remote management.

Mesh, Current Faults, Inventory, and Performance Views

Through HotView, a HotPort high performance mesh network can be viewed in many different ways. The Mesh view provides a graphical representation of the mesh with additional information, including graphics that show the actual wireless interconnections between all of the nodes on the mesh. The inventory view lists the HotPort nodes on the mesh. It also shows the status, location, and other information for each node. The Performance view shows the uptime statistics and traffic information for each node.

Mesh Setup

You can review and change all of the mesh-wide settings using HotView, including network, security, wireless (radio), and user account settings.

Node Management and VLANs

HotView also provides functions to manage individual HotPort nodes on the mesh. These allow you to change the node's name, location information, enable or disable Ethernet ports, and view the node's mesh connections. You can also view details about a selected node down to individual ports. Ethernet ports on HotPort nodes can be configured for port-based VLANs. Traffic filtering can be performed at each port into or exiting from the mesh.

Traffic filtering and prioritization

HotView also provides the ability to control traffic (packet) filtering into or out of the mesh. Mesh traffic can also be prioritized to three classes of service, enabling the assignment of higher priority to real-time data streams for applications such as voice and video.

Easy Updates

Periodically Firetide will post updates to the firmware (software embedded inside the HotPort nodes) that add improvements or new features to your HotPort nodes. With HotView, you can update all of the HotPort nodes on your mesh in a single operation.

Monitoring the Mesh

The Monitor feature of the software allows you to view network statistics to determine if there are any problems with the communications between various nodes on the mesh.

Network Gateway Interconnects

HotView can be used to configure any mesh node as a network gateway interconnect, providing easy internetworking of the mesh with other network domains, be it another LAN or as a portal to the Internet.


Download the HotView data sheet for product information and specifications.

Ordering Information

For additional product information you can email us directly at sales@cschouston.com .

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